Raymond e-music

My Heart Will Trust

Why do the headen rage and their kings and their rulers imagine a vein thing(2x)
They say all one to another let us go against the lord and all his anointed (2x)
But the one who sits in heaven shall laugh in mockery of them cus they knew he makes deviners go mad
But the one who sits in heaven shall laugh in mockery of them cus he’s the lord over their weapon and the shooter
The one who sits in heaven shall laugh in mockery of them
The one who sits in heaven shall laugh shall la la la la la augh


My heart will trust in you oh God(2x)
You are my peace
You are my comfort


Call and response
You are my peace
You are my wait
You are my love
You are my comfort
A ah aha ah ah


You are the yeah and the amen oh oh oh oh
You are the beginning and the end oh oh oh
You sit on the circles of the earth oh oh oh o
All of the heaven is your throne oh oh oh oh
All of the earth is your footstool oh oh oh oh
You are my God I am your man oh oh oh oh